Maaianne Knuth

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July 14, 2017

A Gift. Bob Stilger has given us a rare gift offered with such tender love and compassion. Called by his heart and friendship, he traveled into chaos and disaster to become a companion to the people of Japan. With his heartfelt listening and companionship, he supported an organically unfolding response to the Triple Disasters. From the intensity of the Japanese cauldron comes a tapestry of rich lessons. In AfterNow, Bob brings us several simple but profound maps for how to find our way through monumental rivers of chaos and confusion together. He offers carefully harvested principles for how to co-create and build communities that bring people and connections alive. He shares guidelines gathered from countless stories for how to work with the natural arising flow of emergence in an ever-changing and often tumultuous world; working with what we have here and now. His discerning reflections and insights carry important lessons for us all. What he offers here are skills for the future and capacities for Now. As Bob himself says: It’s messy. It takes time. And it takes us all, together.” I am grateful for the contribution of this book is to our collective journey.”

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